Project Type
New Build
Bannatyne Hotel, Durham
System Installer
Browne Smith Baker
ESH Group
Due to an extremely tight build schedule, the Architect on this particular project chose to adopt a steel frame solution due to the high speed of construction it afforded.
Similarly, the requirement for a quick build façade system was also necessary to ensure that the building was swiftly deemed watertight. The EPSITEC Insulated Render System, which incorporates a drainage cavity proved to be the perfect solution.
The EPSITEC system was constructed by mechanically fixing a powder coated top hat section to an approved building board, whilst incorporating horizontal and vertical fire breaks at party walls. Deflection beads were also placed over windows allowing any potential water ingress within the cavity to drain to floor level. The mechanical fixing of 90mm Phenolic Insulation also meant that the required ‘U’ value of 0.35 W/m²K was easily achievable.
The final finish consisted of Wetherby Laguna Brick Slips which were used on the ground floor level to help protect the façade from potential foot traffic impact, whilst the remainder of the building was finished using Wetherby 1.5mm ‘K’ Silicone Render and a small amount of timber cladding, giving the building a bright, clean finish. Bricks Slips were also used as a feature at window cills and heads on the first and second floors.